Zero Waste Living


USD 100


This course is for everyone who wants to reduce their waste, simplify their life, and care for the Mother Earth. With the impacts of Climate change becoming more obvious, everyone is looking for a sustainable lifestyle. The popular term for this lifestyle is called Zero Waste (ZW). Some of you have already started the transition towards Zero Waste living. Many of you would be trying to explore the ways of making your living zero waste. This course would help you find ideas that you may have never thought of or heard of and will give you the inspiration to start the Zero Waste practice today by indulging in small but significant changes.

We will also discuss how the privileges in the form of money, time, and education have become barriers in living a sustainable lifestyle. The course will take you through 150 min of exciting 11 topics, quizzes and extra material that will help you to make a transition to a waste-free environment.

The course provides you a holistic view of all of the sustainability and can be taken by anyone and everyone who is concerned about managing a simple but harmonious lifestyle.

Passing percentage to get a Certificate- 70%

Key Takeaways

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Who should take this course?

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