Properly Formatted Abstract

  1. Abstracts must be properly formatted and organized into four sections identified by the following bolded headers: Purpose/Objectives, Materials/Methods, Results and Conclusions.
  2. Institution names should be included in the title or body of the abstract.
  3. The title should not include results. 
  4. The abstract cannot contain illustrations, images, or graphs. If the abstract is accepted, presenters may include these items in their on-site presentations.
  5. An abstract may contain one small table. The maximum character limit, including the title and body of the abstract, is 2,600 characters. Spaces are not counted.
  6. A maximum of 5 authors’ names may be listed on each abstract. There are no exceptions. Authorship credit should only be given if all three of the following criteria are met. 
  7. Each author must have made substantial contributions to:
      • conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of data, and 
      • drafting the abstract or revising it critically for important intellectual content, and
      • final approval of the version to be submitted/published.