Banyan nation- Vertically integrated plastic recycling company

Banyan Nation

  • Name of CEO/Founder:Mani Vajipey
  • State | Country: Karnataka, India
  • Date of Incorporation : 2013

Achievements in Sustainability

Banyan Nation is an award-winning company that has one of India’s first vertically integrated plastic recycling technologies. The company, with its services, promotes and helps other Indian and worldwide brands to incorporate recycled plastic instead of conventional virgin plastic in their business modules.

Banyan has an impressive plastic cleaning technology that transforms post-industrial and post-consumer plastic into what is called Better Plastic. In comparison to every day virgin plastic, Better Plastic has an extremely better quality of recycled granules. The technology carefully removes coatings, inks, and numerous other contaminants with the help of eco-friendly solvents and detergents that results in near virgin quality recycled granules, which later on are shipped to different brands.

Banyan also has a highly acclaimed data intelligence platform that brings in hundreds upon thousands of common recyclers into their link. This helps in keeping track and managing waste more productively and efficiently. With the help of mobile, cloud, and IoT, they form an integrated network with these collectors and recover a great deal of waste. They have extended their services to municipalities to assist them in learning more about the waste cycle in their respective cities and zones, which has inclusively expanded the range of better waste flow and inculcated a profitable economy.

Banyan, through collaborations, has partnered with India’s leading automotive company to repurpose old bumpers into new ones. They have also extended their roots by partnering with a global cosmetic company to create new bottles out of old musty bottles. These are just a few instances that show that with their extensive knowledge and well-developed system, they have established a very strong foothold in the circular economy sector, bringing brand-new developments every single day to the table.

Banyan has been honoured with the prestige Circulars People’s Choice 2018 Award. The company is working every day to come up with unique ideas and developing innovative solutions to help India climb the ladder and work its way to a new and better circular economy.

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